Ulrike Rist - Companionship in new ways -


We just start again and remember
how to re-dream and create this beautiful earth with each other.


A circle of generations

We have questions and some answers. Stories and knowledge.
Hear, see and learn from each other.


Companionship & nature

Nature is the teacher into which you enter with desires. I provide the framework, the accompaniment.



The current seminars can be viewed here.


A time here

The place offers many possibilities
of the time and the way to stay or work here.


Wandering words

What touches me in this human hour, in thoughts, things seen, experienced, always finds its place here.
Be it from me or from other people.

Look at

My book "When it's time..." Tender stories live forever. 22 short stories by the North Sea

Experienced moments at the North Sea have been interwoven with dreams and voices of the invisible world. They invite you to look at the world anew. It will be published in summer 2023 - and as soon as the book cover is finished it will be visible here. In the meantime, the two can talk at the table.... about this world and in general.... Please support the independent bookstores. Refreshing, personal places for customers and owners.
- In German only -

Available from bookstores and from me
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